Virtual Care Package for Self Care and Mental Health
Things have not gone as planned, our lives have changed dramatically. Causing each of us a lot of stress. You might feel lonely or isolated. This has been on my mind a lot lately: our mental health in times of crisis. Just as it's important for us to stay safe and physically healthy, it's equally important to take care of our mental health.
That is why I put together this virtual care package curated specifically for self care. Joining with other designers, artists, and femme small business owners across the US & Europe to bring this care package together I hope there is something that helps bring some calm and relaxation to you.
Morning Gratitude Mediations I do these every morning and it reminds me to be grateful for the things I have with just a gentle push of motivation. The insight app is a wonderful free tool to help calm your mind. If you're new to mediation don't fret we all start somewhere. There is a 'learn to meditate' section. Start off slowly and all it takes is practice.
Morning Ritual (10 mins)
Morning Gratitude & Intention Meditation (12 mins)
Yoga I came across Misfits Studio NC at a pop up in the small town of Saxapahaw in North Carolina in February of 2020. They are offering free online live yoga classes almost daily. Founder Jordan's mission at Misfits Studio is to create a safe space that embraces diversity and encourages creativity. Yoga helps with anxiety and relieves stress. Helping you gain a sense of inner calmness and also helps you sleep! Whatever your level there is a class for you. They are available on their FB live.
page: as well as youtube: Misfits Studio NC youtube channel
Lo Fi Recipe Artist Brooke Kent shared her kick ass lo fi Flat Bread recipe.

1 large onion
1/4 cup of oil such as coconut
1 red or orange bell pepper
1 12 oz can of crushed tomatoes
1 12 oz can of coconut cream
Basil if available
A blender
1. Heat oil on low heat in a cast iron or non stick plan. We will start by caramelizing the onion. Chop into small pieces, and when the oil has heated uniformly, add to the pan, stirring well to coat evenly. For these to caramelize properly, they will be heated for about 20-30 min altogether, stirring only occasionally. The heat should be low enough that they aren’t burning. You can now add salt and pepper.
2. When evenly browned (15 or so minutes) but not fully caramelized, add the chopped bell pepper.
3. When these have cooked thoroughly, let cool and add to blender along with the coconut milk and tomato sauce.
This sauce is great over pasta, zucchini noodles, and can be used as a pizza sauce. If available, shred basil to ribbons and top with before serving.
Sliding Scale Safety Masks From the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest is Swamp Swag Creations, ethically sourced jewelry. She has been making pay what you can masks with filters! She made the mask I wear and have purchased for friends. Variety of designs and colors only available through her Swamp Swag Creations Instagram page
Music Italian dark artist Django Nokes has created a playlist of music he listens to while in quarantine in Livorno, Italy. Django's Spotify Playlist
I've been listening to very mellow music being in my apartment. If I listen to anything concussive I get super cagey feeling so for me trying to relax and find my center has been working during this time of quarantine. Ahuixa Spotify playlist
Books The Libby app is one of my favorite apps. It's the public library in your phone. All the ebooks available at your public library free, all you need is a library card which you can get online. Don't get me wrong I love the feel of a physical book however there are so many books. Some guilty pleasures for sure. ;)
Movies Along with the Libby app is KANOPY. It's a free movie streaming service available from your library. There are of course countless classics but new releases as well.
Articles Here are articles that helped me realize that me sleeping a lot more and feeling super unproductive was NORMAL. The pandemic is not.
You don't have to do anything just get through this with the rest of us.
Stop Trying to Be Productive: The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty.It's OK If You're Not Being Productive During The COVID-19 Pandemic:
However it's ok if productivity is your jam. :) I mean what's best for everyone's mental health is different person to person when it comes to that - some people need to keep busy. You do you.
Hope you found something in this 'care package' that works for you.
With much love and appreciation.
Cover art: Chingona Manifest inspired by Gabriella D.